[March 26, 2009]

I had ordered an extruded aluminum flange (part on the right, ACS p/n: 10350-8) to replace the cheazy flange Van's gives you (left). I have heard a number of people saying this flange breaks off. However, the mounting of the two is totally different, and I decided to make an adapter plate.

After a bunch of fabrication I riveted on the flange. I put the screen in as recommended also.

Here is a shot from the aft.

I received the Princeton capacitive fuel sender converters from Grand Rapids today. Not cheap -- $95 per side! To calibrate the fuel tanks you need to have access to these. Since my subpanel is kind of full in the forward side, I thought the best place was on the panel support rib. I will need to make some sort of mounting plate for these.

I also received the Grand Rapids ARINC converter box. This is used to interface the Sport EFIS's to the Garmin 430W as well as an autopilot that takes ARINC input.

Back to work -- I riveted the right aft baffle to the side baffle.

I needed to notch out the bottom of the right baffle for the manifold pressure line to not interfere.



Last Modified: October 5, 2024