[August 18, 2009]

The next item I needed to wire on the project was the flaps. I decided it was a good idea to install all of the main channels that support the flap actuator.

Here is where tonights progress came to a screeching halt. The F-766A flap actuator channel was interfering with the WD-617 canopy latch. This is the first time both have been installed.

I though it could of been a problem because the floors were not installed. So I installed the floors with clecoes and it was still not right. So I needed to either remake the F-766A channel (lots of new parts) or bend the WD-617. So I took the easy route and put enough of a bend in the canopy latch weldment to clear the F-766A. I would of taken a picture of the finished product, but my 2 Megepixel camera decided to die today. It kept on coming up with an error code. It has served me well over the whole project as a solid shop camera. This has been the third digital camera I have broken this summer. I have never broken a digital camera since I bought my first one in 2000. Not good. I need to find a cheap one to get me by for the short term.

OK, borrowed a temporary camera. Here is the finished product.



Last Modified: October 5, 2024