[April 2, 2007]

I got through a lot of the fuselage inventory today - a lot more than I expected to. I started out by picking up some 2x4's and screwing them to the top shelf to hold the skins/firewalls/everything else that is big. It worked out very well. Almost everything fit into this 2'x4' storage unit, only using 4 of the 5 shelves. The J channels and the pushrod tube were put into the rafters with the longerons, and the really big skins are nicely hiding behind the futon in my den. There is A LOT of parts with the fuselage kit. I can easily see myself wading through all of this trying to find a needle in the haystack until things start getting used up. When I put stuff in the rack, I tried to mark what shelf it is on in the packing list to help me out.

And this is all I have left. I banged out all of the rivets in the hardware bag and left all the other hardware for tomorrow. I still have the daunting task of organizing all of this. So far, I have only found on error - I got two F-719-R angle's (instead of one) and I am missing a F-719-L. This should be a non-issue for Van's to take care of this.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024