[March 19, 2007]

Today started out way to early barely missing my flight from Chicago to BWI. Nothing like running through an airport while trying to recover from a St. Patricks day weekend. I thought I would be been too drained to work on the project, but somehow I found a second wind. Anyways, next thing on the flaps was to bend the FL-708's. This is supposed to be bend to 6.3 degrees or something like that, but my method was to make a rough bend, then massage it to fit. The first one I nailed, and the second one I overbent. The overbent one was easily fixed by hitting it with a rubber mallet.

Next was a bunch of drilling.

I took apart the flaps and enlarged the aftmost hole on the doubler to 1/4" in my drill press.

Next was to drill the nutplate on the 1/4" hole.

I needed to go back a few steps and countersink the bottom of the spar. The dimpled skin sets in the countersunk spar so the hinge sits flush on the other side of the spar.

Finally was to countersink the inboard rib and doubler for the nutplate rivets. I opted to use a OOPS rivet on the aft-most (rib-nutplate) rivet because the rib is too thin to countersink for a traditional 3/32" flush rivet.



Last Modified: October 5, 2024