[December 7, 2006]

For some reason, time this week hasn't been around. Seems by the time I have finished with dinner, cleaned up and done the chores it is 11 pm already. Of course, this has nothing to do with the fact that it has been getting colder out recently. Naaa.

Today I bought a 15" Craftsman drill press. Normally it is $320, but after the Craftsman Club discount, I walked out with it for $240. When I was putting it together I was genrally disapointed with the general quality of the whole thing. The old one that I had was built very very well. This one was obviously built in China. All of my concerns were tossed out the window as soon as I fired it up. It was so smooth compared to the old one it wasn't even funny. Plus this one has a keyless chuck, which is a nice addition. Of course, like all other Craftman tools out today, it has the laser alignment system. I am very sceptical of the lasers on everything now. I always eyeball everything up and it comes out fine. I have never used a tool where the laser was dead on.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024