[September 18, 2006]

I dabbed some AKZO primer on each rivet countersink on the front spars. I used a Q-tip and it worked out perfectly. Just a quick dab and it was done. I then riveted on 90 of the 120 fuel tank nutplates. It was pretty late, so I couldn't fire up the air compressor for the pneumatic squeezer, so by hand it was.

My process for installing the nutplates was to cleco in 10 of them, insert one rivet per nutplate, set the rivet, remove the clecos and rivet the remaining side. Went pretty fast, other than fixing the few rivets that sat too tall.

This is the finished (drying) product of a quick dab of AKZO. It went on a lot easier than I thought.

This is the expensive specialty countersunk hole primer applicator. Worked like a charm. I used one Q-tip per side of each spar. I needed to really get all of the excess paint off of the Q-Tip after dipping it in the primer to give me a nice thin result.

Here is some of the countersinks in progress. 10 nutplates at a time with 10 clecos.

This is the left spar completed.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024