[March 10, 2007]

Well, its been 7 days shy of a year since I last worked on the trim tab. I am priming a bunch of aileron stuff tomorrow and figured I would get the skin primed too. Before I could prime the skin, I needed to modify it s little. I think that bending the tabs is way too much work and leads to failure more than successes - in other words Vans retirement fund depends on these skins.

First thing first was to make my cut marks. This is simply extending the line that Van's kinds starts for ya. I checked this against the elevator and it looks perfect.

On the outboard side the the same thing, except it is perpendicular to the front of the skin.

Looks good! I deburred the edges, roughed up the inside and am going to send it off to get primed tomorrow. Maybe it will be another year before I work on this thing again.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024