[November 27, 2011]

It was another beautiful day to work on the RV. Nice temps in the mid 60's. Not bad for the end of November. Too bad the RV is still down for its annual since its another gorgeous day to be flying. I have yet to cut open one of my oil filters (I know, shame on me). What makes it worse is I have a tool to cut open oil filters. However, it didn't work with the oil filters I used with the exposed fitting that screws into the engine. So all I needed to do was drill a 7/8" hole in this soft aluminum. Well I am pretty sure it took over a year to make this whole. The inspection of the oil filter showed very little.

I whipped up a new top to my filtered airbox out of some 063. My air compressor developed a leak on the pressure regulator 1/2 way through making this. Luckily I was able to quickly fix it.

The new FAB top plate installed and safetied.

I also cleaned off my K&N air filter with a cleaning kit I bought from Advance Auto Parts. After I got everything back together I decided to start the engine and test out the systems. When I first attempted to started it I saw the propeller kick back. Something I had never seen before. I assumed it was something to do with the remounting of the flywheel and the started didn't engage right. The second start attempt the engine came to live quickly. I let the oil and CHT temps rise before running her up. As soon as the oil got to 95, I ran the engine up to 1800 RPM. I did a mag check by turning off the EMAG - Boom, engine died! I turned off the Mag and no difference.

At this time I cycled the prop to get oil to it and checked idle. Without the mag the engine died when I pulled the throttle back to idle.

I did very little debugging on the mag issue. I verified the mag's leads are open when the mag is supposed to be on. Thinking back to when I timed the mad, perhaps I didn't time if after the impulse had clicked over. That would explain the kickback on start and the mag not firing right if it was timed that way. This week I hope to get back to the hangar to check out this mag issue and get this annual finished!



Last Modified: June 24, 2024